My 3D animation showreel as of March-April 2022. It is updated accordingly at this same​​​​​​​ Vimeo link, making this project page the main one for my latest 3D animation reel. Thanks for watching!

Rigs credits:
- "Lisa" rig (in shots with the note "originally animated at 30FPS") belongs to
- "Princesse Chatelaine" and "Chevalier" by Gobelins students who made the student film "Fol Amor"
- "Body Mechanics Rigs Mega Pack" by Joe Daniels
- "Dana" rig by Gabriel Salas
- "Adventurer" rig by Kiel Figgins (character by Carl Forsberg)
- "Dragon Maya rig" by Chau Vo Ba Truong (Truong CG Artist)
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