The few drawings/illustrations done this month as participation to MerMay :) Would have liked to do more but could only get started late in the month. Mainly mermaidifying (not a word, but...) characters of mine from another project (Legends of Erayfen, Cycle II: Chronicles of the Wind Rider *even if Cycle I isn't anywhere close to finished*) ! All were fully created in Photoshop CC.
"CDChallenge - Mermaid"
Entry for the CDChallenge of May, theme: MermaidsAndMermen. Wanted some kind of warrior/survivor mermaid finding a moment of peace :)
"Mermaid Roxanne - Mermay 2016"
Mermaid version of my character Roxanne Read, a pirate (First Mate) in a story of mine (Legends of Erayfen, Cycle II - Chronicles of the Wind Rider).
"Mermaid Eliza - MerMay 2016"
Mermaid version of Captain Eliza Valent, a pirate captain in a story of mine just like Roxanne (Legends of Erayfen, Cycle II - Chronicles of the Wind Rider). More about that and them in an upcoming project folder here on Behance.
"Merman Ronan - MerMay 2016"
Merman version of the Boatswain Ronan Tuilier, another pirate in a story of mine (cited above) and Eliza's close friend & confident.
Thanks for stopping by!
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