Duel of the Fates (Request)

A close friend of mine asked me a little prior to Episode VII coming out if I could draw him and another of my closest friends as a Jedi & Sith, as dressed on their Facebook photos (with the lightsaber you could choose). It had been a while since I had tackled a piece that was not just a doodle. It went through many changes but finished this before my friend's birthday, they both love it very much, which makes me very happy haha.
Star Wars universe (c) Disney (LucasFilms?)
Art (c) Marie J./LynkaWolf/Rymae.
May the Force be with you... and Technology too.

I've always wanted to be a Jedi (one of many childhood dreams), but I've had so many issues with technology these last few months that I'd probably end up getting a malfunctioning lightsaber and have to make a run for it :D Yeah, I'm clumsy and would probably screw up trying to use the Force haha.
And as I like to say... "'REN', KYLO, 'REN'!" (Run, Ren ... :D My humour is abysmal :3.)
Kylo Ren, Star Wars universe (lightsabers & Rey's clothes, sorta) (c) Disney (Lucas Films & Co, I suppose).
Artwork (c) Me/Rymae/Lynka(Wolf)/Marie J.
And as I like to say... "'REN', KYLO, 'REN'!" (Run, Ren ... :D My humour is abysmal :3.)
Kylo Ren, Star Wars universe (lightsabers & Rey's clothes, sorta) (c) Disney (Lucas Films & Co, I suppose).
Artwork (c) Me/Rymae/Lynka(Wolf)/Marie J.