Dagger & Sabre - Handpainted vs PBR (with blood) - Still renders (wireframe is a bit difficult to see if not viewing the image at 100% and is basically mirrored).

Dagger & Sabre - Handpainted vs PBR (no blood) - Still renders (with and without wireframe)

Sabre - Handpainted version - Texture Maps (Diffuse + AO generated in Substance Painter). Painted in 3DCoat. Used 2K maps out of habit and for potential details, not meant for asset optimisation :). Didn't make a version with blood, that idea came later while experimenting in Substance Painter.

Sabre - PBR version (with blood) - Texture Maps (Not shown here, but the AO map generated in Substance Painter & shown on the handpainted texture sheet was applied when rendering). Cleaned up to show UVs.
Note: The details in the normal map are difficult to see (except for the leather handle) compared to the dagger's details, but they're here :).

Sabre - PBR version (no blood) - Texture Maps.

Dagger - Handpainted version - Texture Maps (Diffuse + AO generated in Substance Painter). Painted in 3DCoat. Again, didn't make a version with blood, that idea came later, when PBR experimenting.

Dagger - PBR version (with blood) - Texture Maps (Not shown here, but the AO map generated in Substance Painter & shown on the handpainted texture sheet was applied when rendering). Cleaned up to show UVs.

Dagger - PBR version (no blood) - Texture Maps.